Appendix A — Networking and social activities

Day 1

After lunch, get in your group and walk outside (or inside) to get to know one another. Think about, discuss, and/or share this general questions:

  • Why are you here? Where did you hear about the course?
  • What do you currently do and how might you use R in your work?
  • If you’ve ever worked in another program to do data analysis (or even used R), share some experiences you’ve had with that. Have you ever had to re-do an analysis? Was it easy? Did it take long?
  • If you’ve ever written a document, like a scientific report or essay, share some experiences you’ve had with that. How did you write it? Did you ever accidentally delete something and couldn’t find it again? Did you look for it in a backup and if so, was it easy and did it take long?

Day 2

After lunch, get in your group and walk outside (or inside) while discussing the general topic around your experiences and workflows for working on a paper or document that had research results, either alone or with collaborators. If no one has any experiences or workflows to share, you can instead brainstorm or generally discuss these topics.

  • Share some experiences you have where you’ve collaborated on a project. How did you collaborate? Was it mostly discussing things together? Did you distribute tasks? How did you coordinate your documents, your work, your tasks? How did you keep updated on the latest versions of the files?

  • What other experiences do you have around working with analysis results? How did you include them into documents? Or how did you collaborate with others or at least getting feedback?

  • When you send a paper for review to co-authors, how do you manage all the comments you get back? How do you save the files? When you work on a project, where do you save all your files related to that project? When you are writing documents, do you have a version for each day or keep working on that file?